• September 16, 2024

    Nulla per un direttore d’orchestra è più difficile di una delle ultime sinfonie di Mozart, delle quali la “Jupiter” è sicuramente la più raffinata e complessa (basti pensare all’incredibile Fugato a cinque voci dell’ultimo movimento). Nel momento dello studio l’annosa questione di cosa portare sull’isola deserta – Bach o Mozart – pende fortemente a favore di Mozart, anche considerando il fatto che lui, a differenza di Bach, ha composto opere liriche straordinarie, nelle quali, come in tutti i grandi capolavori dell’arte, il mondo, in tutti i suoi aspetti, si rispecchia. Ma su questo torneremo sicuramente più tardi. Ma mi è difficile esprimere a parole la gioia, l’entusiasmo, il piacere che provo nel ristudiare – per l’ennesima volta – questo formidabile capolavoro, scoprendone ogni volta nuovi e sorprendenti aspetti.

    Con la Dallas Symphony Orchestra il prossimo Dicembre

    Nothing is more difficult for a conductor than one of Mozart’s last symphonies, of which “Jupiter” is certainly the most refined and complex (think of the incredible five-voice Fugato of the last movement). When it comes to studying, the age-old question of what to bring to the desert island – Bach or Mozart – weighs heavily in favor of Mozart, also because he, unlike Bach, composed extraordinary operas, in which, as in all great masterpieces of art, the world, in all its aspects, is reflected. We will undoubtedly return to this later. But it is difficult for me to express in words the joy, the enthusiasm, the pleasure I feel in studying again – for the umpteenth time – this formidable masterpiece, discovering new and surprising aspects each time.

    With the Dallas Symphony Orchestra next December.

  • Finally again

    July 20, 2024

    This continues a significant “Ring des Nibelungen” project with DSO. After a long hiatus, I will conduct my third complete “Ring” production (semi-staged) in Dallas. If we consider the “Ring des Nibelungen” to be a giant symphony (“Rheingold” being the introduction, “Walküre” the first movement, and “Götterdämmerung” the final apotheosis), “Siegfried” is undoubtedly in form and character the “scherzo”.

  • Skrjabin

    July 3, 2024

    We continue the Scriabin project for Deutsche Grammophon with DNSO.

  • Again and again, you always discover new things.

    June 24, 2024

    They accuse Bellini of musical infantilism. I can’t even. More than anyone else, he embodies the art of knowing what to remove (like Michelangelo with his sculptures) rather than adding (a horror vacui from a lack of ideas), creating an astonishing simplicity that says so much about the character’s personality, the dramatic situation, and the emotional impact. No wonder he was admired by the greatest musicians of his time, like Chopin, Wagner, and many others.